3 jun 2019 - 7 jun 2019
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Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the 2019 IMJ-PRG summer school on “New perspectives in Gromov-Witten theory”, organised by Alessandro Chiodo, Penka Georgieva and Marco Robalo. It will take place at the Sorbonne University, Jussieu campus, in Paris, from 3 to 7 June 2019.
The focus of the school will be on presenting different approaches to Gromov-Witten theory which lies at the intersection of several disciplines in mathematics and theoretical physics. These different approaches are quite specialized and use very different languages - from the more classical algebraic geometry to the more recent points of view of tropical, derived, and non-archimedean geometry. The aim of the summer school is to get around the language barriers of each approach and to give participants an overall view of the subject, especially to young doctoral students and post-docs.
The school will have five introductory mini-courses and several complementary lectures.
Mini Courses:
Lucia Caporaso
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
Tony Pantev
Tony Yue Yu
Dimitri Zvonkine
Research Talks:
Pierrick Bousseau
Tom Coates
Bohan Fang
Mark Gross
Jérémy Guéré
Felix Janda
Marc Levine
Étienne Mann
Grigory Mikhalkin
Johannes Nicaise
Mauro Porta
Zhengyu Zong
The program and the registration form can be found at
We hope to see many of you in Paris this summer!
Best wishes,
Alessandro Chiodo, Penka Georgieva and Marco Robalo