15 jul 2019 - 19 jul 2019
Centro Congressi Stefano Franscini in Ascona (Switzerland)
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We are pleased to announce the summer school Arithmetic of connections which will be held in the beautiful Centro Congressi Stefano Franscini in Ascona (Switzerland) from July 15 to 19, 2019.
The program will consist of several minicourses and research talks by the following speakers:
Yves André, Université Paris 6
Jean-Benoît Bost, Université Paris Sud
Hélène Esnault, FU Berlin
Michael Groechenig, University of Toronto
Nicholas Katz, Princeton University
Fernando Rodríguez Villegas, ICTP Trieste
Claude Sabbah, École polytechnique
Masha Vlasenko, Polish Academy of Sciences
More information is available at the website
The deadline for registration is April 30.
To register, please send an e-mail to
If you are a PhD. student, please indicate the name and affiliation of your advisor, and tell us very briefly what you are working on. We will cover the local expenses (food and accommodation) of all participants.
The organisers
Javier Fresán, Dimitar Jetchev, Peter Jossen, and Emmanuel Kowalski