27 may 2019 - 31 may 2019
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
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Dear colleagues,
We are organizing a Master Class in Paris which will focus on the structure of limit spaces that may arise along sequence of metrics of bounded Ricci curvature, or along geometric flows. It mainly targets young researchers (PhD students and Post-doc) in Riemannian Geometry and Geometrical Analysis.
It will take place at the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP, Paris) from Monday, May 27th to Friday, May 31st. Mini-courses will be given by L. Bessières, G. Carron, A. Naber and V. Tosatti.
All details on the program can be found on the website
You can also register on this website, once you will have created your account on Scienceconf (you may already have created this account for a previous conference).
We may cover the travel expenses of a small number of participants. If you need such support, please send us a short motivation letter explaining your situation and a recommandation letter from a senior colleague supporting your application.
Please forward this message to all interested colleagues.
Sincerely, the organizing comittee,
L. Bessières, G. Besson, G. Carron, S. Tapie, I. Mondello.
Speakers: Laurent Bessières, Gilles Carron, Aaron Naber, Valentino Tosatti.