7 jul 2019 - 13 jul 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We are pleased to announce the fifth European Talbot workshop on "Algebraic K-Theory", mentored by Prof. Benjamin Antieau and Prof. David Gepner. It will take place in Rheinböllen in the West of Germany from July 7th until 13th 2019.
The goal is to bring together a group of 30-35 graduate students and post-docs to stay and work together at a group house, under the guidance of the two senior mentors. Most of the talks will be given by the participants, and there will be plenty of free time for further discussions and collaborations.
More information and the online application form can be found at europeantalbot.org. Note that the application deadline is Friday March 1st 2019. We would especially like to encourage women and under-represented minorities to apply. The participants will be selected by the end of March.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at organisers@europeantalbot.org.
We gratefully acknowledge funding and support from SPP 1786 and SFB 1085.
We hope to see many of you in Germany this summer!
Best wishes,
Bertram Arnold, Luci Bonatto, Jack Davies, and Alice Hedenlund