28 oct 2019 - 8 nov 2019
Buenos Aires
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Please find below the first announcement (in English) of the CIMPA Research School: Algebraic and geometrical methods in string theory, to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in October-November, 2019.
First/Second/Third announcement
CIMPA Research School: Algebraic and geometrical methods in string theory
Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 28 – November 8, 2019
The CIMPA Research School “Algebraic and geometrical methods in string theory” will take place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 28 till November 8, 2019, hosted by the International Centre for Advanced Studies (ICAS, UNSaM). The main goal of the School is to provide an introduction to many of the mathematical fields relevant within the context of string theory, as well as some background on string theory itself.
The topics include:
- Vertex algebras and their modules,
- Representations of infinite dimensional Lie algebras,
- Calabi-Yau manifolds and Landau-Ginzburg models,
- Loday algebras and derived brackets,
- Hochschild cohomology,
- Hopf algebras and quantum field theory,
- Quantum field theory on curved spacetimes,
- Generalized geometry and supersymmetric spaces,
- String compactifications and fluxes,
- Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten models.
There will be seven long courses, as well as five minicourses. They will not only provide the basic material but also some of the current research trends in the respective fields. The school is specially addressed to graduate and undergraduate students, both in mathematics and physics, but also to young researchers attracted by possible interactions with the topics previously described.
The registration to the school is open on the webpage: http://icas.unsam.edu.ar/hub/cimpa2019/
The list of the speakers is:
C. Boyallian (UNC, Argentina),
A. Chiodo (Paris 6, France),
A. Frabetti (Université Lyon 1, France),
V. Futorny (USP, Brazil),
L. Göttsche (ICTP, Italy) (TBC),
M. Graña (CEA-Saclay, France),
E. Herscovich (Université Grenoble Alpes, France),
S.M. Iguri (IAFE, Argentina),
X. de la Ossa (Oxford University, UK) (TBC),
M.O. Ronco (Universidad de Talca, Chile),
A. Solotar (UBA, Argentina),
D. Waldram (Imperial College, UK).
Scientific committee
A. Chiodo (Paris 6, France),
V. Futorny (USP, Brazil),
M. Graña (CEA-Saclay, France),
A. Solotar (UBA, Argentina).
Organizing Committee
C. Boyallian (UNC, Argentina),
E. Herscovich (Université Grenoble Alpes, France),
S.M. Iguri (IAFE, Argentina),
Y. Cagnacci (IAFE,Argentina).
Administrative and scientific coordinators:
E. Herscovich (Université Grenoble Alpes, France),
S.M. Iguri (IAFE, Argentina).
Important dates:
Registration closes: July 14th, 2019.
School begins: October 28th, 2019.
Additional information and details are available at the website of the meeting:
Travel and accommodation grants for students:
In order to apply for a travel and/or accommodation grant from CIMPA, students from the region should not only fill in the registration form in the school webpage but also apply for financial support in https://www.cimpa.info/en/node/40. We recall that only those students and research teaching staff of an institution located in a developing country different from the country of the school are eligible to a financial support from CIMPA.