7 apr 2019 - 13 apr 2019
McCullough County, TX
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The application for this year's Talbot workshop is now live. See below for details:
Mentored by Soren Galatius and Oscar Randal-Williams
April 7-13, 2019
McCullough County, TX
The Talbot Workshop is a one week learning workshop for roughly 35 graduate students and a few postdocs. Most of the talks will be given by participants, and will be expository in nature. This year's workshop will survey the classical approach to analyzing moduli spaces of manifolds (via surgery theory and pseudoisotopy theory), but will focus on the more recent approach via cobordism categories, fiberwise surgery, and homological stability. It will also touch on a method recently introduced by Weiss exploiting embedding calculus. More details about the program, including a preliminary list of talks and references, can be found here:
Applications close on Friday, February 1 at 11:59PM. You can apply online here:
Talbot is meant to encourage collaboration among young researchers, with an emphasis on graduate students. We also aim to gather participants with a diverse array of knowledge and interests, so applicants need not be an expert in the field--in particular, students at all levels of graduate education are encouraged to apply. As we are committed to promoting diversity in mathematics, we also especially encourage women and minorities to apply.
We will cover all local expenses including lodging and food. We also offer partial funding for participants' travel costs.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail the organizers at talbotworkshop (at) gmail.com.
Calista Bernard
Yajit Jain
Morgan Opie
Sean Pohorence