22 feb 2019 - 24 feb 2019
Texas Christian University (TCU)
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The spring 2019 meeting of the Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC) will be held on the campus of Texas Christian University (TCU) on February 22 – 24.
Pierre Albin (University of Illinois)
John Bryant (Florida State University)
Robin Deeley (University of Colorado)
Sherry Gong (UCLA)
Craig Guilbault (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Jo Nelson (Rice University)
Marco Radeschi (Notre Dame)
Ravi Shankar (University of Oklahoma)
Financial support is available to help defer the travel and living expenses of participants who do not have other funding sources. Requests for support must be received by February 1 to receive full consideration.
This meeting is supported by Texas Christian University, University of Texas at Arlington, and the National Science Foundation (DMS-1812040). Limited support is available. Graduate students, junior faculty, women, individuals from groups underrepresented in the mathematical sciences or from institutions with little federal support, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to participate and to apply for support.
There is no registration fee for the conference.
For more information and/or to register, go to the conference web site: