19 feb 2019 - 22 feb 2019
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This is an announcement for the conference "Integrable systems and automorphic forms" to be held from February 19 to February 22, 2019 in Lille.
This conference belongs to a series of conferences in Lille whose common point is the unity of geometric and arithmetic aspects in certain moduli problems. The algebro-geometric objects in the scope include sheaves, principal bundles, connections and Higgs fields, holomorphically symplectic varieties and integrable systems. The arithmetical aspect comes from the fact that these moduli spaces are arithmetic quotients and are described in terms of automorphic forms.
For more information see
To register, write to
Dimitri Markushevich <dimitri.markouchevitch(AT)univ-lille.fr>.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Lille.
The organizers