1 apr 2019 - 4 apr 2019
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From 1-4 April 2019 the University of Saarland, supported by the Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG, will host the Workshop
"Higher Dimensional Complex Geometry"
Olivier Benoist
Cinzia Casagrande
Benoît Claudon
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Simone Diverio
Stéphane Druel
Enrica Floris
Aleksei Golota
Daniel Greb
Henri Guenancia
Andreas Höring
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros
Vladimir Lazić
Christian Lehn
Zsolt Patakfalvi
Thomas Peternell
Alessandra Sarti
Stefan Schreieder
Luca Tasin
Susanna Zimmermann
For more details visit the website
Organisers: Vladimir Lazić, Pagona Koulakidou, Nikolaos Tsakanikas