1 apr 2019 - 5 apr 2019
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We are pleased to announce the
Second School and Workshop on Univalent Mathematics,
to be held at the University of Birmingham (UK),
April 1-5, 2019
Homotopy Type Theory is an emerging field of mathematics that studies
a fruitful relationship between homotopy theory and (dependent) type
theory. This relation plays a crucial role in Voevodsky's program of
Univalent Foundations, a new approach to foundations of mathematics
based on ideas from homotopy theory, such as the Univalence Principle.
The UniMath library is a large repository of computer-checked mathematics, developed from the univalent viewpoint. It is based on the computer proof assistant Coq.
In this school and workshop, we aim to introduce newcomers to the ideas of Univalent Foundations and mathematics therein, and to formalizing mathematics in a computer proof assistant based on Univalent Foundations.
We will have two tracks:
- Beginners track
- Advanced track: suitable for participants with some experience in
Univalent Foundations and the proof assistant Coq.
In the beginners track, you will receive an introduction to Univalent Foundations and to mathematics in those foundations, by leading experts in the field. In the accompanying problem sessions, you will formalize pieces of univalent mathematics in the UniMath library. In the advanced track, you will work, in a small group, on formalizing a specific topic in UniMath, guided by an expert in univalent mathematics. Your code will become part of the UniMath library.
Application and funding
For information on how to participate, please visit
The deadline to apply is January 15, 2019.
Limited financial support is available to cover participants' travel and
lodging expenses.
Benedikt Ahrens (University of Birmingham)
Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham)
Langston Barrett (Galois, Inc.)
Andrej Bauer (University of Ljubljana)
Auke Booij (University of Birmingham)
Martín Escardó (University of Birmingham)
Tom de Jong (University of Birmingham)
Marco Maggesi (University of Florence)
Ralph Matthes (CNRS, University Toulouse)
Anders Mörtberg (Carnegie Mellon University and University of Gothenburg)
Niels van der Weide (University of Nijmegen)
Best regards,
The organizers Benedikt Ahrens and Marco Maggesi