22 jul 2019 - 26 jul 2019
EPFL, Lausanne
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Registration for the Young Topologists Meeting (YTM) 2019 is now open. It will take place between July 22 and July 26 at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. The meeting will be an opportunity for graduate students, recent PhDs and other junior researchers to meet and present their work to each other. In addition to the talks given by the participants, there will be two lecture series, one in pure and one in applied topology, given by Julie Bergner (University of Virginia) and Vidit Nanda (University of Oxford).
We will be able to provide accommodation for some participants. We have also applied for NSF funding to cover the expenses of some participants from US institutions. Participants can indicate their interest for these funding possibilities in the registration form.
The registration deadline is February 28, 2019 for applications for accommodation and March 31, 2019 for the rest of the form.
We strongly encourage participants to give a talk or present a poster. It does not have to contain original research results; expository presentations are also welcome.
Further information, including abstracts for the lecture series and a link to the registration form, can be found at: https://ytm2019.epfl.ch/
We hope to see you in Lausanne!
Best regards,
The organizers