30 jun 2019 - 20 jul 2019
Park City
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We are writing to inform you about the 2019 Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) program "Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants", which will take place June 30 - July 20, 2019 in Park City. PCMI is a vertically integrated institute: there is a Research Program, a Graduate Summer School, and various programs related to undergraduate students and faculty as well as a program for K-12 teachers. Therefore, we encourage you to share this message with colleagues, postdocs, and graduate students.
The Research Program offers large blocks of unstructured time for collaboration as well as organized seminars. New and recent PhDs are especially encouraged to apply as are small groups of collaborators from geographically separate areas. For more information, see:
The highly structured Graduate Summer School consists of several related minicourses:
1. Introduction to Gauge Theory (Andriy Haydys)
2. Introduction to Knot Theory (Jake Rasmussen)
3. Heegaard Floer Homology (Jennifer Hom)
4. Topological Quantum Field Theories/Knots and BPS states (Pavel Putrov)
5. Bordism categories, invertible field theories, and characteristic classes of smooth
bundles (Soren Galatius)
6. BPS States and Spectral Networks (Andy Neitzke)
7. Advanced topics in (mathematical) gauge theory/Higgs bundles (Laura Schaposnik)
8. Floer homology (Tom Mrowka)
They vary in level of preparation needed, and the schedule is designed so there are good opportunities for students just entering the field as well as courses suitable for more advanced students. Each course is accompanied by a daily problem session, structured to help students develop facility with the material. For more information, as well as course descriptions, see:
The PCMI website
has much more information about the entire institute.
Everyone must apply! Applications are due on January 15. For the Research Program application, go to:
For the Graduate Summer School application, go to:
Park City is in the Wasatch Range of the Rocky Mountains. It is a beautiful location with many recreational opportunities to supplement the mathematical activities.
Again, please share this message with your students, postdocs, and colleagues. We hope to see you in Park City this summer.
Best wishes,
Dan Freed
Sergei Gukov
Ciprian Manolescu
Constantin Teleman
Ulrike Tillmann