23 sep 2019 - 27 sep 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
This is the second announcement of an International Summer School we are organizing in Goettingen on "L2-Torsion and Symmetric Spaces", September 23-27, 2019! Note that for organisatiorial reasons the date of the school changed by one week with respect to the first announcement!
Symmetric spaces play a central role in geometry, analysis, and arithmetic, due to their inherent rich and beautiful structure. A key question is the fascinating interplay between spectral properties of their Laplace operators on the one hand, and geometric, topological, and arithmetic properties on the other.
Analytic torsion, and L2-analytic torsion, are refined spectral invariants which contain (partly conjecturally) a lot of deep, also arithmetic information. Other approaches use ergodic theory and what is called measurable group theory.
The summer school aims to provide an introduction to this highly active area. It is mainly geared towards PhD students, advanced master students and interested postdocs.
The school consists of the following four mini courses:
• Nicolas Bergeron (IMJ-PRG): From torsion in homology to L2-torsion and back
• Damian Gaboriau (ENS Lyon): Introduction to measured group theory
• Steffen Kionke (KIT): Introduction to arithmetic groups and their cohomology
• Werner Müller (Universität Bonn): Analytic torsion of locally symmetric
spaces and cohomology of arithmetic groups
In addition, we will have a special talk by Günter Harder (MPIM, Bonn).
More details about the school and updates can be found on the webpage of the summer school https://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/l2t2019/registration.html where you will also find the details about the registration.
Some limited funding will be available to cover local expenses for young mathematicians who are at the early stage of their careers. We would like to allocate as much funding as possible towards helping Ph. D. students; please forward this email to people who might be interested and benefit from attending the summer school.
In case you are interested in attending, please follow the instructions outlined on the school webpage. Deadline to apply for financial support is April 30, 2019. The number of participants is limited.
Looking forward to seeing you in Goettingen, Jitendra Bajpai, Harald Helfgott, Thomas Schick and Engelbert Suchla