17 feb 2019 - 22 feb 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
We are pleased to announce the third edition of the winter school
"Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations"
Venue: Toblach,
Dates: from Feb 17 to Feb 22, 2019.
This year's main speakers are:
Fabrizio Caselli, Università di Bologna, Bruhat intervals, Coxeter matroids and related polytopes;
Alberto De Sole, Sapienza Università di Roma, W-algebre classiche e quantistiche e applicazioni;
Paola Frediani, Università di Pavia, Second fundamental form of the Torelli map and special subvarieties of Ag;
Moreover there will be some talks.
Participants are required to register contacting the organizers at the following e-mail address:
We will be able cover full board for a small number of young participants. Interested participants must send an
email with their funding request and a CV to toblach.configurations2019(AT)gmail.com before december 10th 2018.
More informations can be found at the web page
The organizers,
Filippo Callegaro
Marco Franciosi
Giovanni Gaiffi
Paolo Papi
Rita Pardini
Mario Salvetti