22 jul 2019 - 26 jul 2019
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
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Dear All,
we are pleased to announce:
'Workshop/Conference on Del Pezzo surfaces and Fano varieties'
July 22-26, 2019, at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
The workshop/conference will consist of three mini-courses in the morning, aimed at young researchers, and more advanced research talks in the afternoon.
The aim of the workshop/conference is to bring together PhD students, postdocs and senior researchers in algebraic and arithmetic geometry in order to develop interaction and discussion, in the realm of the research training group GRK 2240: Algebro-geometric Methods in Algebra, Arithmetic and Topology.
Mini-courses by:
- Paolo Cascini (Imperial College);
- Ana-Maria Castravet (Versailles);
- Damiano Testa (Warwick).
Invited speakers:
- Cinzia Casagrande (Turin);
- Alessio Corti (Imperial College);
- Ulrich Derenthal (Hannover);
- Igor Dolgachev (Michigan);
- Nick Shepherd-Barron (King’s College);
- Karen Smith (Michigan, TBC);
- Hiromu Tanaka (Tokyo);
- Yuri Tschinkel (NYU).
Support for travel expenses and accommodation is available for a limited number of PhD students and early career researchers.
More information can be found at
Best regards,
Andrea Fanelli and Stefan Schröer