1 sep 2019 - 7 sep 2019
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
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Invited Plenary speakers
Christian Bär • University of Potsdam, Germany
Pierre Bieliavsky • KU Leuven, Belgium
Henrique Bursztyn • IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Herbert Edelsbrunner • Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Monika Ludwig • TU Wien, Austria
Yurii Nikonorov • RAS, Vladikavkaz, Russia
Hans-Bert Rademacher • Leipzig University, Germany
Lorenz Schwachhöfer • TU Dortmund, Germany
Andrew Swann • Aarhus University, Denmark
Parallel Programme Sections and Workshops
Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis (Chair E. García Río; J. Berndt, P. Gilkey)
Geometric Structures and Representation Theory (Chair M.G. Eastwood; A. Čap, J. Slovák)
Geometry and Physics (Chair O. Rossi; S. Merkulov)
Finsler Geometry (Chair Z. Shen)
Nonlinear PDEs and Applications (Chair A.M. Vinogradov; I.S. Krasil'shchik)
Applied and Computational Differential Geometry and Topology (Chair Ya. Bazaikin; H. Edelsbrunner)
Homotopy Theoretic Structures in Differential Geometry (Chair Z. Škoda; A. Kotov)
Convex and Integral Geometry (Chair T. Wannerer; M. Ludwig)