13 may 2019 - 17 may 2019
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Christophe Ritzenthaler, Matthieu Romagny and Dajano Tossici are organizing a summer school "Curves and groups in families" as part of the thematic semester Lebesgue 2019 "Geometry, Arithmetic and Cryptography: Correspondences". This conference, which will take place in Rennes from May 13 to May 17, 2019, will gather researchers and students around two important topics in mixed and characteristic p geometry : the computation of regular and stable models of curves, and the geometry of groups and torsors in characteristic p. We plan four mini-courses (three-hour-long each) There will be four mini-courses (three-hour-long each) given by
Tim Dokchitser (Bristol Univ.): Regular models of curves, computational and theoretical aspects
Stefan Wewers (Ulm Univ.): Stable models of curves, computational and theoretical aspects
Michel Brion (Grenoble University): Algebraic groups in characteristic p.
Fabio Tonini (Florence university), Lei Zhang (Hong Kong university): Fundamental group schemes in characteristic p
and some research talks given by
Alessandra Bertapelle (Padova University)
Peter Bruin (Leiden University)
Joao Pedro dos Santos (Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu)
Anne Frühbis Krüger (Hannover University)
Margarida Melo (Roma Tre University)
Céline Maistret (Bristol University)
Giulio Orecchia (Leiden University)
Antonella Perucca (University of Luxembourg)
People wanting to participate in this school are invited to register directly on the school's website, before the end of March 2019,
Some financial support is provided, primarily to students and young researchers.
Christophe Ritzenthaler, Matthieu Romagny et Dajano Tossici.