24 jun 2019 - 28 jun 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
It is our pleasure to announce the
`Workshop on Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces and Deformation Theory'
which will take place at the Hotel San Michele in Cetraro (Italy) during the week
June 24-28 2019.
The list of speakers includes:
Agnieszka Bodzenta
Tom Bridgeland
Ana-Maria Castravet
Daniel Huybrechts
Dmitry Kaledin
Manfred Lehn
Valery Lunts
Emanuele Macrì
Alex Perry
Alexander Polishchuk
Jon Pridham
Jørgen Vold Rennemo
Alice Rizzardo
Pavel Safronov
Špela Špenko
Yukinobu Toda
Michel Vaquié
Michael Wemyss
For further information see the web page:
We will have limited funds to support PhD students/early career researchers. Please see the webpage for the registration form; the registration deadline is February 28, 2019
The workshp is part of the activities related to the research projects:
- EPSRC Programme Grant - Enhancing Representation Theory Noncommutative
Algebra and Geometry;
- ERC-2017-CoG-771507, StabCondEn;
- Program for young researchers "Rita Levi Montalcini" by the Italian
Ministry of Education.
Best regards,
Arend Bayer, Andreas Hochenegger, Elena Martinengo, and Paolo Stellari