30 jun 2019 - 6 jul 2019
Stefan Banach International Center in Warsaw
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This is to announce the conference Derived Categories and Geometry in Positive Characteristic, to be held 30 JUNE - 06 JULY 2019 at the Stefan Banach International Center in Warsaw.
The list of speakers:
Piotr Achinger (Warsaw)
Nick Addington (Oregon)
Benjamin Antieau (Chicago)
Arend Bayer (Edinburgh)
Roman Bezrukavnikov (Massachusetts) TBC
Bhrgav Bhatt (Michigan) TBC
Manuel Blickle (Mainz)
Alexey Bondal (Moscow)
Andrei Caldararu (Wisconsin)
Alexander Efimov (Moscow)
Hélène Esnault (Berlin)
Dmitry Kaledin (Moscow)
Alexander Kuznetsov (Moscow)
Max Lieblich (Washington)
Wendy Lowen (Antwerpen)
Emanuele Macri (Northeastern)
Ben Moonen (Nijmegen)
Matthew Morrow (Paris)
Johannes Nicaise (London / Leuven)
Keiji Oguiso (Tokyo) TBC
Zsolt Patakfalvi (Lausanne)
Stefan Schroeer (Duesseldorf)
Paolo Stellari (Milano)
Gabriele Vezzosi (Firenze)
Vadim Vologodsky (Oregon)
We have funds available to contribute towards accommodation expenses for early-career mathematicians.
The application deadline for participants asking for such contribution is the 30th APRIL 2019.
For registration and more details please look at https://www.impan.pl/en/activities/banach-center/conferences/19-derived
Best regards,
Agnieszka Bodzenta, Lars Halvard Halle, Adrian Langer, Sofia Tirabassi