7 jan 2019 - 18 jan 2019
MATRIX Research Institute, Australia
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear Colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the meeting
to be held at the MATRIX research institute in Australia from January 7 to 18, 2019.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together different areas of research motivated by high and low dimensional topology, in order to bring about new insights and methods in the study of manifolds.
The meeting consists of a two-week program structured as follows:
The first week (January 7-11, 2019) will be a workshop with three lecture series by:
- Wolfgang Lück (University of Bonn)
- Peter Teichner (MPIM)
- András Stipsicz (Rényi Institute)
The second week (January 14 - 18, 2019) will be a conference. The current list of confirmed speakers is:
- Bea Bleile (University of New England)
- Mark Powell (Durham University)
- Jessica Purcell (Monash University)
- Robert Schneidermann (CUNY)
- Jae Choon Cha (Postech)
- Abigail Thompson (UC Davis)
- Ana Lecuona (Aix-Marseille Université)
- Daniel Kasprowski (University of Bonn)
The schedule will be planned to allow ample time for discussion and collaboration among participants.
This workshop is supported by funds from the National Science Foundation. Partial travel support is available. All interested participants should apply via the online form below and indicate a request for financial support if needed. Priority will be given to graduate students, recent PhDs, and underrepresented minorities.
To apply please fill out the following form:
The application deadline is October 15, 2018. Please apply as early as possible in order to facilitate our planning process.
Website for the event:
Best regards,
the organizers
Jonathan Bowden (Monash University),
Diarmuid Crowley (The University of Melbourne),
James Davis (Indiana University Bloomington),
Stefan Friedl (University of Regensburg),
Carmen Rovi (Indiana University Bloomington),
Stephan Tillmann (The University of Sydney)