15 apr 2019 - 19 apr 2019
Schiermonnikoog Island in The Nerherlands
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It is our pleasure to announce the conference
Rationality of algebraic varieties
to be held on Schiermonnikoog Island in The Nerherlands between April 15 ― 19, 2019.
Speakers include:
Nicolas Addington
Francesco Russo
Arnaud Beauville
Stefan Schreieder
Ivan Cheltsov
Burt Totaro
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
Yuri Tschinkel
Brendan Hassett
Alessandro Verra
Daniel Huybrechts
Olivier Wittenberg
Alexander Kuznetsov
Susanna Zimmermann
Johannes Nicaise
Due to the practical limitations of the conference venue we can only
a certain number of participants. Interested people should contact the
Further informations concerning the conference are to be found on the
Best regards,
Gavril Farkas
Gerard van der Geer
Mingmin Shen