1 jul 2019 - 5 jul 2019
ICTP, Trieste
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Dear colleagues,
it is a pleasure to announce the
Trieste Algebraic Geometry Summer School III - Algebraic Geometry towards applications
July 1-5, 2019, ICTP, Trieste
The school is part of an ongoing series, you can learn more about it here:
Alicia Dickenstein - Universidad de Buenos Aires, course title: Biochemical reaction networks modeled by mass-action kinetics
Sandra Di Rocco - KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, course title: Kinematics
The two courses will focus on two main applications where (computational) algebraic geometry plays an important role. The main theoretical and computational algebraic tools will be introduced.
There will be the possibility for short contributed talks.
Full board will be available for around 50 participants. Women are expressly encouraged to apply.
Online registration will open soon, and a more detailed announcement will follow.
Valentina Beorchia, Università di Trieste
Ada Boralevi, Politecnico di Torino
Barbara Fantechi, Sissa Trieste
The conference is supported by ICTP