31 mar 2019 - 6 apr 2019
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft at Oberwolfach is a series of weeklong meetings, held biannually since 1958, where participants get together to learn a current topic by giving lectures about it. The meetings are addressed at non-experts, but experts are also welcome to attend. The topic of next spring's installment, which takes place in the week 31 Mar - 6 Apr 2019, is
"Elliptic cohomology according to Lurie"
The idea is to understand Lurie's perspective on the construction of elliptic cohomology and Lubin-Tate theory using derived algebraic geometry. The detailed descriptions of the topic and the planned talks together with instructions for how to apply may be found at
and the deadline for applications is December 1, 2018.
With best wishes from the organizers,
Paul G. Goerss
Jacob Lurie
Thomas Nikolaus