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Conference and School “RIEMain in Contact”

created by tortorella on 19 Dec 2017

18 jun 2018 - 22 jun 2018


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Dear colleagues, we invite you to participate to the Conference “RIEMain in Contact” held in Cagliari, 18-22 June 2018. Contact Geometry essentially split off into two quite separate branches: Contact Riemannian Geometry and Contact Topology.

The conference and school RIEMain in Contact is the first occasion for the two souls of contact geometry to interact.

The conference consists of two mini-courses addressed to young researchers and PhD students, and sixteen talks.

The main topics will be Contact Riemannian Geometry and Contact Topology, but also related structures like Engel Structures, Kähler Geometry, CR structures, Lie Groups and Statistical Manifolds, will be treated.

Young researchers will have the opportunity to present a poster.

The conference is dedicated to Professor David E. Blair on the occasion of his 78th birthday.


- D. Blair (Michigan State University, USA): Riemannian Contact Geometry

- H. Geiges (Universität zu Köln, Germany): Contact topology and Reeb dynamics


- Charles Boyer (University of New Mexico, USA)
- Jong Taek Cho (Chonnam National University, Korea)
- Vincent Colin (Université de Nantes, France)
- Marisa Fernandez (Universidad del País Vasco, Spain)
- Anna Fino (Università di Torino, Italy)
- Brendan Foreman (John Carroll University, USA)
- Emmanuel Giroux (Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Canada)
- Dieter Kotschick (Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munchen, Germany)
- Antonio Lotta (Università di Bari, Italy)
- Patrick Massot (Université Paris Sud, France)
- Emmy Murphy (MIT, USA)
- Sheila Sandon (Université de Strasbourg I, France)
- Aleksy Tralle (University of Warmia and Mazuri in Olsztyn, Poland)
- Thomas Vogel (Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munchen, Germany)
- Chris Wendl (Humbold-Universität, Germany)
- Ivan Yudin (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)

Scientific Committee

David Blair, Renzo Caddeo, Giovanni Calvaruso, Yakov Eliashberg, Paolo Ghiggini

Organising Committee

Gianluca Bande, Beniamino Cappelletti Montano, Nicola Pia, Paola Piu

For more informations visit the webpage of the conference at:

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