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AG at Tehran

created by daniele on 30 Dec 2016

8 apr 2017 - 13 apr 2017

Tehran (Iran)

{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}

This is to announce a meeting in Algebraic Geometry at the IPM School of Mathematics, Tehran (Iran) to be held Sat 8th--Thu 13th Apr 2017.

Confirmed speakers include:

- Roya Beheshti (Washington)
- Alessandro Chiodo (Paris)
- Alessio Corti (London)
- Kento Fujita (Kyoto)
- Amin Gholampour (Maryland)
- Kiumars Kaveh (Pittsburgh)
- Frederic Mangolte (Angers)
- Laurent Manivel (Marseille)
- Yuri Prokhorov (Moscow)
- Miles Reid (Warwick)
- Artan Sheshmani (Aarhus)
- Francesco Zucconi (Udine)

The first lecture starts Saturday 8th April at 11:00 and the final talk ends Thursday 13th April at 12:00.

For details and registration instructions see

Note 1: Most participants can obtain a visa at the airport with an official letter of invitation from the organisers (please write to AG at Tehran <gt (AT)> well in advance). This does not apply to UK, US or Canadian participants, who should contact the organisers AG at Tehran <gt (AT)> at once to sort out visa arrangements. Travel to Iran may cause minor hiccups for subsequent US trips on visa waiver; these problems are solvable: see + FAQ.

Note 2: Registration is open to all and there is (limited) resources to support lodging. The French consulate in Tehran offers financial support for some French scientists. Anyone interested should discuss this with the organisers.

Note 3: There may be an excursion to Isfahan at the (European) weekend after the conference. Easter Sunday is 16th April, and there will be a 3CinG conference in Cambridge starting Tuesday 18th April.

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