Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Generalized Geometry Workshop

created by petrecca on 23 Jun 2016

17 sep 2016 - 18 sep 2016

Swarthmore College (Philadelphia)

A workshop on Generalized Geometry will be held on Saturday September 17 and Sunday September 18 at Swarthmore College. The aim of this workshop is to bring together mathematicians and physicists working in odd and even dimensional aspects of generalized geometry in order to consolidate what is known and chart possible avenues of investigation. Students interested in differential geometry or string theory are warmly invited to attend as well.

The conference webpage is

Speakers: Maxime Gabella (Institute for Advanced Study) Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto) Yat-Sun Poon (University of California, Riverside) Christina Tonnesen-Friedman (Union College) Li-Sheng Tseng (University of California, Irvine) Aissa Wade (Pennsylvania State University) Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala University)

Some limited funds are available to support hotel and travel costs of participants, especially for graduate students and junior faculty without other support. If you would like to apply for support, fill out the application on the registration section of the website as soon as possible. The deadline for applications is Friday, August 12. Decisions will be made soon thereafter.

Organizers: Marco Aldi Ralph Gomez Daniele Grandini Janet Talvacchia

The conference is partially supported by the National Science Foundation, the Swarthmore College Department of Mathematics, and Statistics and the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Mathematics.

Organizers: Marco Aldi, Ralph Gomez, Daniele Grandini, Janet Talvacchia.

Speakers: Maxime Gabella, Marco Gualtieri, Yat-Sun Poon, Christina Tonnesen-Friedman, Li-Sheng Tseng, Aissa Wade, Maxim Zabzine.

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