Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Moduli and Automorphic Forms: a meeting for women in mathematics

created by daniele on 11 Dec 2015

12 may 2016 - 14 may 2016

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Moduli and Automorphic Forms: a meeting for women in mathematics
May 12 - 14, 2016
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Invited speakers:
Ingrid Bauer (U Bayreuth)
Ana-Maria Castravet (Northeastern U, Boston)
Elisabetta Colombo (U Milano)
Yara Elias (MPI Bonn)
Margarida Melo (U Roma 3/U Coimbra)
Sujatha Ramdorai (Tata Institute)
Sandra di Roco (KTH Stockholm)
Alessandra Sarti (U Poitiers)
Eva Viehmann (TU München)
Marie-France Vignéras (Paris 7)
Masha Vlasenko (U College Dublin)
Katrin Wendland (U Freiburg)

The meeting is also the occasion for women mathematicians to share their experience in academia and job issues. For this reason we particularly encourage the participation of young female mathematicians working in algebraic/arithmetic geometry. Nevertheless every one interested in the topic of the conference is welcome.

Limited financial support is available for PhD students and Postdocs.
Deadline for applications: March 15th 2016

We would like to bring your attention to the fact that in many universities some money is reserved to support women in their research (in Germany, "Frauengelder"). You might use this occasion to apply to these funds.

For further information:

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