Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Informal Geometry Workshop in Paradiso 2025

created by daniele on 05 Nov 2024

31 mar 2025 - 2 apr 2025


Welcome to the third edition of the Informal Geometry Workshop in "Paradiso"!

This is an informal workshop entirely dedicated to young mathematicians who work in differential geometry in a broad sense. The scientific theme of the workshop is the study of topological and geometric properties of complex manifolds, and, more in general, of manifolds endowed with ''special'' geometric structures, either integrable or non-integrable. In particular, topics include:

- Cohomological properties of complex manifolds;

- "Special" metrics on Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds;

- Complex Monge-Ampère equations;

- Geometric flows on Kählerian and Hermitian manifolds;

- Homogeneous manifolds with special structures.

The workshop will be held in Cogne (Valle D'Aosta - Italy). The aim is to bring together Mathematicians interested in Geometry in an informal and friendly atmosphere for speaking about Mathematics in the beautiful landscape of "Gran Paradiso".

So far the confirmed speakers are:

Joana Cirici (Universitat de Barcelona - Spain)

Giovanni Placini (Università di Cagliari - Italy)

Antonio Trusiani (Chalmers Univ. Tech. and Univ. of Gothenburg - Sweden)

People are encouraged to apply for giving a talk on the topics of the workshop.

For information please contact one of the organizers.

Organizers: Daniele Angella, Mario Garcia Fernandez, Luigi Vezzoni, Michela Zedda.

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