Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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Geometric Measure Theory and applications 2024

created by caldini on 08 Feb 2024
modified on 12 Jun 2024

17 jun 2024 - 21 jun 2024


The aim of the meeting is to build new bridges and to foster interactions between experts employing techniques proper of Geometric Measure Theory in different areas, including Calculus of Variations, Differential Geometry, Ergodic Theory, Fractal Geometry, Metric Analysis, Optimal Transport and PDE's.

Please follow the instructions on the webpage for registration. Grants are available for a limited number of students and early-stage researchers.

Deadline for registration: 19-04-2024.

The meeting is sponsored by: 1. European Union (ERC, ANGEVA, project number: 101076411) 2. INdAM - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica 3. Foundation Compositio Mathematica

Organizers: Gianmarco Caldini, Luigi De Masi, Antonio De Rosa, Andrea Marchese, Annalisa Massaccesi.

Speakers: Giovanni Alberti, Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa, Paolo Bonicatto, Thierry De Pauw, Michael Goldman, Toni Ikonen, Cole Jeznach, Linhan Li, Francesco Maggi, Mihalis Mourgoglou, Giuseppe Savaré, Anna Skorobogatova, Luca Spolaor, Salvatore Stuvard, Riccardo Tione, Xavier Tolsa, Yoshihiro Tonegawa, Bozhidar Velichkov, Benedikt Wirth, Qinglan Xia, Robert Young, Zihui Zhao.

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