Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
Geometria Complessa e Geometria Differenziale
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New Trends in Geometric & Variational PDEs

created by saracco1 on 03 Nov 2022
modified on 23 Dec 2022

20 feb 2023 - 22 feb 2023


The registration to the event is free but mandatory and it closes on January 20th.

12.10.2022: The capacity of the meeting room has been reached. Further interested participants can still register and will be put on a reserve list.

Organizers: Mattia Fogagnolo, Andrea Pinamonti, Alberto Roncoroni, Giorgio Saracco.

Speakers: Elia Brué, Giulio Ciraolo, Azahara DelaTorre, Alberto Farina, Asma Hassannezhad, Andrea Malchiodi, Filomena Pacella, Alessandra Pluda, Julian Scheuer, Susanna Terracini, Cristina Trombetti, Bozhidar Velichkov.

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