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Workshop Curves and K3 surfaces

created by daniele on 14 Apr 2022

9 may 2022 - 12 may 2022

Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn

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Dear everyone,

this is to announce the workshop "Curves and K3 surfaces" to be held at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn, Monday May 9 to Thursday May 12th, 2022.

Invited speakers:

Younghan Bae (ETH Zürich)
Luca Battistella (Heidelberg)
Thomas Blomme (Geneve)
Tim Bülles (ETH Zürich)
Arkadij Bojko (ETH Zürich)
Yajnaseni Dutta (Bonn)
Francesca Carocci (EPFL)
Soheyla Feyzbakhsh (Imperial College)
Lothar Göttsche (ICTP)
Frank Gounelas (Göttingen)
Martijn Kool (Utrecht)
Nikolas Kuhn (MPI Bonn)
Denis Nesterov (Bonn)
Jeongseok Oh (Imperial College)
Helge Ruddat (Mainz)

More information can be found on the webpage:

There is limited financial support available for PhD students and postdocs. To be considered for housing please register by April 19th, 2022.

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