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Conference Algebraic Geometry in Angers

created by daniele on 04 May 2021

14 jun 2021 - 18 jun 2021


{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}


The conference Algebraic Geometry in Angers will take place on 14-18 June 2021 in Angers. We'll have the pleasure to hear talks from:
Junyan Cao (Nice)
Paolo Cascini (Imperial college)
Maria Gioia Cifani (Roma Tre)
Thibaut Delcroix (Montpellier)
Andrea Fanelli (Bordeaux)
Henri Guenancia (Toulouse)
Liana Heuberger (Angers)
Alexandra Kusnetsova (Moscow)
Vlad Lazic (Saarbrücken)
Anne Lonjou (Orsay)
Olga Paris-Romaskevich (Marseille)
Zolt Patakfalvi (Lausanne)
Yuri Prokhorov (Moscow)
Xavier Roulleau (Marseille)
Julia Schneider (Toulouse)
Dajano Tossici (Bordeaux)
Christian Urech (Lausanne)

We'd like to welcome participants in Angers; the talks will take place in a big room that opens towards the dreamy park St. Nicolas, and coffee breaks will be taken outside. If you'd like to participate, please write an email until 20 May to Susanna Zimmermann (susanna.zimmermann(AT) We have some financial support for young participants, please let us know if you need any.

Due to travelling restrictions, some speakers will give a virtual talk. For more information, check out the conference webpage:

Susanna and Enrica

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