23 oct 2020 - 24 oct 2020
Barcelona (online)
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Dear colleagues,
A special session on Geometric Structures will happen online within the Barcelona Mathematical Days 2020
on Friday 23 – Saturday 24 October, 2020. The speakers of this session are:
- Florent Balacheff (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):
A curvature-free Log(2k-1) Theorem.
- Ben Davison (University of Edinburgh):
Refined invariants of flopping curves and finite-dimensional Jacobi algebras.
- Mario García Fernández (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / ICMAT):
Kähler moduli spaces on non-Kähler Calabi-Yau manifolds.
- Penka Georgieva (IMJ, Sorbonne Université):
Real Gromov-Witten theory.
- Martí Lahoz (Universitat de Barcelona):
- Nicoletta Tardini (Università di Parma):
Harmonic forms on almost-Hermitian manifolds.
Abstracts will soon be available at
In order to get the link to attend the event, please register (free of charge) before October 22nd at
and you will be sent all the information by email in due time.
The organizers (Joana Cirici and Roberto Rubio)