14 sep 2020 - 15 sep 2020
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear Colleagues,
on September 14-15 we organize a minisymposion on "Differential and Hodge Theoretic Methods in Algebraic Geometry" as part of the DMV annual meeting 2020 at TU Chemnitz. The speakers for the minisymposion are
Annette Bachmayr
Benjamin Collas
Camilla Felisetti (tbc)
Javier Fresan
Mathias Schulze (tbc)
Will Sawin
Jörg Schürmann
Lei Wu
Furthermore, at the DMV meeting there will be plenary talks by Cornelia Drutu, Daniel Huybrechts, Moritz Kerz and others. Both the minisymposion and the DMV meeting will take place online, to attend you have to register via the webpage:
The DMV asks a small registration fee to cover their expenses, but PhD students can attend free of charge if they register before August 14. Please spread the word among students and colleagues!
Hoping to see you in September,
Thomas Krämer and Thomas Reichelt