7 sep 2020 - 11 sep 2020
online zoom
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Due to the current pandemic the 5th Edition of JES, Japanese-European Symposium on Symplectic Varieties and Moduli Spaces, will be held online on Zoom in the week
7th-11th September 2020,
each day between 8:45 and 11:30 CEST / 16:45 and 19:30 JST.
Due to the big time difference, the size of the conference will be significantly reduced. There will be two short courses held by E. Amerik and S. Kondo, plus a series of talks.
For details and updates on the speakers list please visit: http://www.riess-web.com/math/JES/
To register, please send an email to: registration (at) jes.riess-web.com
The originally planned conference at Osaka City University will be postponed to September 2021.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
The organizers,
C. Camere, D. Matsushita, G. Mongardi, Y. Nagai, H. Ohashi, U. Riess