30 nov 2020 - 4 dec 2020
CIRM Luminy
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the next annual meeting ‘’Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry’’ (http://gdrgagc.math.cnrs.fr/) that will take place in CIRM from Monday 30th November to Friday 4th December 2020. The meeting will consist of 5 lecture series given in the morning by Joseph Ayoub (Zurich), Damian Brotbek (Nancy), Ana-Maria Castravet (Versailles), Gaëtan Chenevier (Orsay), Eleonora di Nezza (Polytechnique). In addition, there will be research talks in the afternoon. If you wish to participate, you have to register before October 15th 2020 at the following address https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/2218.html
The organisation of the conference will fund full accommodation for most of the participants. Please let us know if you can pay for your stay. The travel expenses are not included. Please beware of phishing scams and please report to us any phone or email scam.
If you wish to give a 50 minute afternoon talk, send a title and an abstract to Stéphane Druel before September 30th 2020 (stephane.druel(AT)math.cnrs.fr). We warmly encourage young researchers as well as experienced researchers to participate.
Best regards,
Olivier Benoist & Enrica Floris