29 jun 2020 - 4 jul 2020
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Dear colleagues,
This message is an update for the workshop "Special geometries and gauge theory" 29$/$06-04$/$07 2020, in Brest (Brittany, France).
The meeting will be an opportunity to share the latest developments on special holonomy manifolds, in particular Kahler and $G_2$, and variational problems related to such geometries (Yang-Mills, instantons, Hermite-Einstein metrics, Strominger systems, G-structures).
With around 30 people and many PhD's and Post-docs, this will be the occasion for extensive discussion and new collaborations.
The conference website is www.lmba-math.fr/perso/gauge/index.html where you will find a preliminary list of speakers, the workshop programme, travel and accommodation informations.
There is an attendance registration form and an accommodation form, if you want us to make the booking for you.
If you wish to speak at the conference, you can submit a talk to any member of the organising committee.
The meeting will take place two weeks before the celebrated 2020 Brest Maritime Festival (10-16$/$07, brest-evenements-nautiques.fr/brest-2020-2/) and will be part of the Franco-Brazilian CAPES-COFECUB cooperation programme Ma 89818.