15 jun 2020 - 19 jun 2020
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Dear colleagues,
This is the first announcement of a School and Workshop on Mirror Symmetry and Moduli Spaces, to take place in Lisbon June 15-19 2020. It will include 4 mini-courses on different aspects of mirror symmetry in relation with moduli spaces, as well as research talks by worldwide specialists. Speakers include:
Minicourses (4 sessions of 1h each):
Anton Mellit (Vienna), Topological invariants and mirror symmetry.
Margarida Melo (U. Coimbra, U. Roma Tre), Compactified Jacobians and Fourier-Mukai transforms.
Du Pei (Harvard), Mirror symmetry and Higgs moduli spaces.
Nick Sheridan (Edinburgh), An introduction to mirror symmetry.
Research talks:
Lino Amorim (Kansas SU)
Ben Davison (Edinburgh)
Xenia de la Ossa (Oxford)
Luis Diogo (UFF, Rio Janeiro).
Mario Garcia-Fernandez (UAM, Madrid)
Leonor Godinho (CAMGSD, IST, U. Lisboa)
Michael Groechenig* (Toronto) (To be confirmed)
Sergey Mozgovoy (Trinity College, Dublin)
André Oliveira (UTAD and Porto)
Laura Schaposnik (Chicago)
Filipo Viviani (U. Roma Tre)
Paul Ziegler (TU Munich)
Registration is open until the 1st of June at the conference website
Best wishes,
The organisers
Ana Casimiro, Carlos Florentino, Emilio Franco, José Morurão, Ana Peón-Nieto, Tom Sutherland