28 aug 2020
{{the content of this page was copy and pasted from the origin announcement email or website; please refer to the links for updates and inquiries}}
Due to the current situation we have come to the conclusion that it is best to postpone the Differential Geometry Workshop. We will announce a new date for the workshop as soon as possible, at the moment we are aiming at spring 2021.
However, as we would be very sad to completely cancel the meeting this summer we have decided to have a one-day online meeting on August 28. The workshop will be held via Zoom. If you wish to attend the meeting please register on this website. We will send you the zoom meeting id together with a password before the workshop will take place.
To submit a talk, please fill in the Application Form before July 24.
Dear friends,
this is an announcement for a Differential Geometry Workshop
organized in Vienna - August 26-28, 2020.
We hope to recreate the spirit and atmosphere of the meetings in Lund'14, Cagliari'15, Brest'17, Cagliari'18.
As previously, the main scientific theme will be differential geometry of harmonic and biharmonic maps but topics gravitating around the same ideas will also be welcome.
The scientific committee will be composed of E. Loubeau, C. Oniciuc and A. Ratto and their main task will be to establish the program.
To submit a talk, please fill in the Application Form before June 12 using the form at the conference web-page:
The actual venue will be in the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna.
Since August is in the tourist season, accommodation will be a delicate matter and it is essential that all bookings be made as early as possible.
Looking forward to seeing you,
The organizing committee (V. Branding & S. Montaldo)