22 jun 2020 - 25 jun 2020
Tromsø, Norway
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Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the workshop "Geometric Structures and Supersymmetry" will be held from 22nd to 25th June 2020 at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, Norway. The workshop is intended as a meeting place for both mathematicians and physicists interested in related areas of Differential Geometry, Representation Theory and Theoretical Physics motivated by Supersymmetry. The goal of the workshop is to present new results as well as create an open environment for a fruitful exchange of ideas.
The following speakers have already confirmed their lectures at the conference:
Dmitri Alekseevsky (Moscow, Russia)
Leonardo Castellani (Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
Martin Cederwall (Chalmers, Sweden)
Ioannis Chrysikos (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
José Figueroa-O'Farrill (Edinburgh, UK)
Rita Fioresi (Bologna, Italy)
John Huerta (Lisboa, Portugal)
Alexei Kotov (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
George Papadopolous (London, UK)
Vera Serganova (Berkeley, USA)
Eirik Svanes (Stavanger, Norway)
Francesco Toppan (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
The talks start on Monday 22nd June, in the morning, and end on Thursday 25th June, in the afternoon. Wednesday afternoon is free with an organized excursion. Further detailed information about the workshop will be posted on the webpage https://puremath.no/super2020 and will be continuously updated.
We cordially invite you to attend the workshop and to contribute with a talk to the scientific programme. Early registration is particularly welcome. We will be grateful if you could distribute the announcement among interested researchers in your group.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Tromsø,
The organisers Boris Kruglikov, Andrea Santi, Dennis The